I made a video today to share with you guys a little bit of the worship going on at church. The worship team is amazing! 

Last night late, Loyce and Joseph had their baby girl. They’ve named her Elora which means, I think, God is my light. Welcome little girl and congratulations mom and dad.


It’s been a busy week here. Did end up going to the village for the Women’s Bible school graduation (see social media for pictures of that). That was Wednesday so Nimeri taught the students about budgeting that day. 


We’re re getting ready to take Anne to the airport because she’s going on furlough. We’ll miss her and we’re praying she is refreshed, restored and renewed in that time with her family. 

Enjoying some time with the students playing logic games. We also started drum training and some of the guys are getting computers training now.  

We did have our annual board meeting for the ministry and we’ve have a solid plan for the future. We’re going to keep moving forward with making disciples who can make disciples at the school of ministry.  

As the year gets closer to ending we’ll be getting the church celebrate Christmas by putting in the Jesus film in a local language. Coming up is movie night on friday, we’re going to watch Gifted Hands. Then in December for the round table we’re going to talk about: why should you celebrate Christmas? It’s going to be so good. 

Thank you guys for praying for the school, the students, and the upcoming Christmas season. 

Will talk to you again next week, God bless you.

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